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Lesha Jacyszyn
Licensed Acupuncturist
Contact Lesha directly to schedule an acupuncture appointment or contact us for other needs.
Lesha Jacyszyn L.Ac. is licensed and trained in all aspects of traditional Chinese Medicine and specializes in the area of digestive health issues. She provides relief for those who suffer with I.B.S., Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, GERD, and gastritis. She also helps manage weight loss, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Lesha uses a holistic approach to balance the root cause of a person’s condition through a combination of acupuncture, customized herbal formulas, dietary therapy, and lifestyle guidance. She also is trained in tui na (twee nah) which is a type of Chinese medical massage for people in pain.
This massage is more invigorating than a spa-style massage to increase blood circulation, break up adhesions in the fascia and increase the flow of Qi. Tui na incorporates gentle stretches as well and feels great. Lesha also provides cupping therapy and gua sha.
For those looking for a psycho/emotional/spiritual balancing session for anxiety, depression, or just feeling “off”, Lesha is trained in esoteric acupuncture developed by renowned practitioner Dr. Mikio Sankey. This form of acupuncture uses sacred geometry patterns that are gridded onto the body using key acupuncture points that balance the emotions of love and fear. After a session, many people experience shifts of consciousness with gifts of personal insight.
Contact Haydn directly to schedule an appointment or contact us for other needs.
Our Newest Addition: TruthSpring
TruthSpring is an extension of WellSpring Wellness Center and was launched in 2021.
Imagine a circle divided into four equal quadrants. The first is physical, the second is mental, the third is emotional. These three quadrants represent the horizontal of your daily life. Your horizontal is what you “do.” The missing quadrant is the spiritual which is the vertical of your life. The vertical is what you “be.” It the vertical of your life that supplies the meaning, purpose, and destiny of your life. TruthSpring is about showing you a vertical path to mastering your horizontal life.
Haydn Hasty is President of WellSpring Wellness Center and MindSpring™ Consulting, Inc.
He holds a B.A. in French, an M.A. in French, an Educational Specialist degree in curriculum and instruction, and a Ph.D. in psychology. He was a dedicated student of leadership and behavioral development at a major behavioral science firm for over 10 years. He also studied at the Faculté des Lettres in Avignon and Dijon, France, and was a former finalist for NC Teacher of the Year, having taught at the secondary level for 20 years.
TErry Hasty
Contact Terry directly to schedule an appointment or contact us for other needs.
Terry Hasty is Vice-President of TruthSpring, WellSpring Wellness Center and MindSpring Consulting, Inc. She holds a BA degree from UNC-Chapel Hill and a M.S. degree in human resource development from Western Carolina University. She studied human resource development abroad in London, England, and has facilitated educational workshops in Europe. She develops and facilitates programs for women in leadership, teams, education faculties and corporate groups.
Terry serves as a primary teacher of the exceptional curriculum that makes up TruthSpring.
Contact Brown Mountain bodywork directly to schedule an appointment or contact us for other needs.
Back, neck, and hip pain are the most common reasons why people seek medical massage therapy. Many people experience more relief from back pain with therapeutic massage than any other single treatment.
Unlike some pain relief therapies, this approach doesn’t require you to go through pain to get out of pain. Working within your body’s natural limits relaxes the nervous system and encourages the muscles to release.
Postural distortions and muscular imbalances are the cause for most myofascial pain issues. If your body is structurally out of balance, it begins to function improperly, causing excessive wear and tear, and ultimately leads to pain.
Dr. Janet Opila-Lehman
Naturopathic Doctor, Occupational Therapist
Contact Dr. Janet directly to schedule an appointment or contact us for other needs.
Naturopathic medicine is an evidence-based health care profession that emphasizes prevention, finding the root cause of dysfunction, and natural treatments. The practice of naturopathic medicine includes both state-of-the-art modern labs and techniques and traditional evaluations and treatments.
The following principles are the foundation of naturopathic medicine:
The Healing Power of Nature (Vix Medicatrix Naturae): Naturopathic medicine recognizes the self-healing process in people that is the best healing tool. Naturopath doctors focus on removing obstacles to cure and facilitating this inherent wisdom.
Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam): Identifying and removing the underlying cause of dysfunction and illness rather than suppressing symptoms is the focus of naturopathic medicine.
First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere). Avoiding harm is key to patient care. Naturopathic medicine utilizes the least force necessary to evaluate and treat, prescribes medicinal substances that have the least harmful side effects, and acknowledge, respect and work with an individual’s beliefs and self-healing process.
Doctor as Teacher (Docere): Naturopathic physicians educate their patients and encourage self-responsibility for health and wellness.
Treat the Whole Person: Naturopathic physicians take into account the individual physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and spiritual factors.
Prevention: Naturopathic physicians emphasize the prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, genetics and susceptibility to dysfunction and then making appropriate treatment suggestions in partnership with their patients.
Conditions seen by Dr. Janet
Children: Autism Spectrum, ADHD, ADD, Allergies, Cerebral palsy, Developmental delays, Digestive issues, Down syndrome, Skin concerns.
Adults: Anxiety/Depression, Auto-immune conditions, Chronic health issues, Chronic fatigue, Digestive concerns, Thyroid/Adrenal issues.
Clinical and laboratory testing
Clinical nutrition
Botanical medicine
Lifestyle counseling
Naturopathic physical medicine
Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, Bastyr University, Seattle, WA. June 2014
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto, Canada. Basic sciences. 2009-2010
Finger Lakes School of Massage, Ithaca, NY. 1997
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, Boston University. 1983
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, University of Kansas. 1978
Profession Registration & Licenses
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, State of Washington, License # nt60658783, current.
Occupational Therapy Registration National License # 359828, 1979 to present.
Massage Therapy National License #055921-00, 1997 to present.
NESH Homeopathy Certification, New England School of Homeopathy, 2014.
Lymph Drainage Therapy & Lymphedema Certification, Upledger Health & Healing Institute, 2006.
Myofascial Release Therapy Teaching Assistant, John Barnes, PT, 1998-2001.
Craniosacral Therapy and Visceral Therapy Training, Upledger Health & Healing Institute,1998-2000.
Orthopedic Medical Massage Certification, OMERI, Whitney Lowe, 1999.
Neurodevelopmental Therapy Certification, Berta and Karl Bobath, London, England, 1986.
Sensory Integration Training, Cincinnati, OH, 1979-1981.
National Autism Association
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
North Carolina Association of Naturopathic Physicians
Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians
National Association of Occupational Therapists
American Massage Therapy Association
National Association for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
Dr. Janet offers caring and compassionate services that will help you, your children and your family meet their highest potential and optimal function. She values education as an essential component and empowers all to live the healthiest and happiest lives possible. She is honored to be a part of you and your family’s journey towards a healthy body, a creative mind, and a tranquil spirit.
DEBORAH A. BURNS, Licensed Professional Counselor, MS, LCMHC
Marriage and Family Therapy
Contact Deborah directly to schedule an appointment or contact us for other needs.
Marriage and Family Therapy
“After 10 years as an elementary school counselor, it was evident – to truly help children, I needed to cultivate stronger families. I pursued and received a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. Because I value lifelong learning, self-development and awareness, I continue adding personal and professional dimensions to my work. Tara Brach, Jonathan Foust, Jack Kornfield and Kristen Neff are inspiring cornerstones of my development, especially in my completion of a two-year certification program as a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and as an instructor of Mindful Self Compassion.” Deborah Burns
Deborah works with individuals and couples experiencing anxiety, grief, unresolved trauma, stress, ineffective communication patterns, marital and family issues, and those reeling from transition. I will help you discover the path to restoring your sense of well-being and ability to know your path forward.
Working together we will hold space for growing beyond old patterns of relating to self and others into the experience of authentic connection. To promote healing we will use a variety of approaches including recognizing and building on your innate wisdom and strengths, mindful awareness, guided explorative reflections, inquiry CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), and compassion practices.
Reiki Master Practitioner
Contact Niki directly to schedule an appointment or contact us for other needs.
Soothe, Release tension and Reset your body’s energetic systems and emotions with Reiki.
Reiki is a complementary healing therapy that facilitates the recipient’s own ability to heal by supporting their innate energetic system. I act as a conduit to clear chakra centers and energetic fields, bringing a deep level of relaxation and a variety of soothing benefits.
Clients report feeling a deep sense of peace and calm post-session, as Reiki can:
• reduce stress and anxiety
• balance emotions
• remove energetic blocks
• soothe the nervous system
• release “stuck” energy
• relieve pain and grief
• enhance mental clarity
• heal negative thoughts, emotions and attitudes
• help the recipient tune in to their inner wisdom and intuition
• bring support from your higher self, guides and star family
Niki is a certified and licensed Reiki master practitioner and is delighted to work with you. This is her calling. Everyone who enters here will receive loving energetic support from an intuitive and highly compassionate soul.
Reiki is the perfect complement to your nourishing mountain getaway, restorative vacation, monthly or seasonal reset, and anytime clearing and re-centering practice.
Book online for In office, On location or Distance Reiki sessions at or call: 828.557.4629.
Welcome in!
Trent Wharton
Tai Chi Instructor
Contact Trent directly to get started or contact us for other needs.
T'ai Chi
The gentle art of T'ai chi has been shown to ease stress, calm the mind and body, and produce a feeling of general well-being; practicing T'ai chi also has been proven to improve balance, increase bone density, lower blood pressure, increase immune response and help counteract symptoms of neural muscular illnesses. T'ai chi is not an impact exercise, therefore it can be practiced by young and old alike. Space requirements are minimal. And, with only 10-15 minutes per day required of practicing this quiet exercise for these benefits, T'ai chi becomes an ideal daily exercise program for health and well-being.
Shelby Bjorlie
Speech-Language Pathologist
Shelby Bjorlie CCC-SLP is a Speech-Language Pathologist who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of adults with communication and swallowing disorders. Shelby has an undergraduate degree in Psychology and Environmental Studies from St. Andrews Presbyterian College. She studied Communication Disorders at Appalachian State University and received a Master’s degree in 2006. In the hospital setting, Shelby has worked with a diverse range of disorders which has provided her with a unique diagnostic and rehabilitation skillset.
Shelby is excited to use this experience in the outpatient setting. The challenges of communication and swallowing dysfunction can be life-altering. With this understanding, Shelby’s approach is a mixture of clinical and compassionate care. Success in the rehabilitation process is connected to reaching goals that matter most to you. By spending the time with you and your loved ones, Shelby will design a therapy program that will not only challenge you but help you get back to saying and doing what matters most in your life.
FRank Russo
Frank Russo is a classical homeopath certified by the Council for Homeopathic Certification, in the United States. He received his diploma from International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Greece and in the United States. He is a board-certified family nurse practitioner, receiving his master’s degree from Columbia University, and has 30 years of clinical experience. In addition, he is a musician, having received a master’s of music in composition from the Juilliard School, as well as studying privately with Nadia Boulanger in Paris.
As an RN and an FNP, he has worked with both children and adults in the hospital and in primary care. He has cared for geriatric patients in their homes and in nursing homes. He continues to practice as a nurse practitioner, providing mental-health and substance-abuse services in Western North Carolina. Privately, he sees both children and adults in his homeopathic practice. In 2015, he founded HomeoWorks PLLC, which is based in Asheville, North Carolina.
The National Center of Homeopathy’s definition of classical homeopathy includes the following guiding principles:
The law of similars: The “like cures like” law of nature states that a substance that can cause a “sickness” in a healthy person can help restore health to a person suffering with a similar “sickness.”
Minimum dose: In homeopathy, a person takes just enough of a homeopathic remedy—an extremely minute dose—to stimulate their body’s own healing response. Homeopathic remedies are derived from substances in the animal, mineral, and plant kingdoms.
Totality of symptoms: Homeopathy recognizes that each person exhibits sickness in a unique way. A classical homeopath determines the remedy that matches the unique symptom profile of the individual.
Single remedy: Only one remedy is given at a time.
The practice of homeopathy is not the same as other complementary medicine practices, and should not be confused with naturopathy, herbalism, or traditional Chinese medicine. Homeopathy is a unique therapeutic healing system.
Homeopathy can help strengthen the body to overcome acute illnesses, such as colds, flus, and earaches (to name a few). Throughout the world, symptoms of Covid-19 have been shown to be successfully treated with homeopathy. For chronic conditions—such as asthma, depression, anxiety, autism, and arthritis—it is best to work with a professional homeopath to guide the process needed to support the body during long-standing health concerns.
Heba Moustafa
Channeling | Spiritual Advising | Energy Work
Channeling, Spiritual Advising & Energy Work
Heba has over 13 years of experience doing intuitive readings. She channels directly from the source of all things-the database of eternal knowledge. She reads into your energy field and describes what she sees, answers your questions, as well as provides guidance and advice for moving forward.
Ask any question you have to the universe and receive an answer. Find resolution and clarity to any conflict in your life.
The Process:
Heba creates a relaxed space and goes into a shallow to deep trance to forge a clear connection, or channel, to higher knowing.
The Experience:
You will feel immersed in an atmosphere of peace and love. In this state of calm, you may ask questions about anything you would like. Whether it's clarity or insight into certain areas of your life, or questions about reality as a whole.
Allow the experience to guide you back to your true knowing and discover yourself once again. Expect to feel seen and fulfilled during and after each session.
A Resonance for Healing
Sound Healing
Eric is a certified sound healing practitioner and teacher for the internationally recognized Sound Healing Academy since 2018. He brings various cultural techniques and practices, such as pranayama, mantra chants, native prayer concepts, and mysticism, as well as contemporary methods for reducing the effects of stress and supporting one's natural healing. The power of sound as a healing modality continues to grow and prove itself as an effective path to health and harmony.
Eric works with crystal bowls, drums, Native American flutes, gongs, tuning forks, rattles, Himalayan singing bowls, idiophones, chordophones, RAV drum, handpan, didgeridoo, voice, and other sound instruments from a variety of world cultures to facilitate healing through intention, vibration, sound, and energy. Science supports that all is vibration at the very foundations of existence. Sound and Vibration crafted intentionally and compassionately bring balance to the nervous system, reduce stress, decrease inflammation, and support a sense of peace and well-being.
We are excited that we are able to provide the Asheville Yoga community a unique opportunity to experience a variety of yoga classes and instructors all at our WellSpring campus.